April 6, 2017
A satisfied customer is our greatest Award. With three Nespa (North East Spa & Pool Association) awards in 2013-14 and two Nespa awards in 2012-13, Custom Pool Pros became the leader in the pool building industry in New Jersey. For over two decades we are proudly serving New Jersey with quality swimming pool installs. We use the latest technology in pool building with a selection of modern amenities to make sure that your inground pool has all the features you desire. Listed below are some of the prestigious Awards received for the last couple of years
Gold in “Exceptional Recognition in Design and Building Competition Concrete”
Silver in “Pool/Spa Combination Concrete”
Silver in Concrete for Pool/Spa combination.
Merit in cocktail for Specialty pools.
Silver in Concrete for Exceptional Recognition in Design & Building.
2012 NESPA Design Awards for “Outstanding Achievement in Design and Building Concrete”
Gold Award for “Residential Concrete Pools”